
Fortune Reading Requests In Queue: 14
Most Extreme, Powerful Thai Love Binding and Wealth Attraction Spells
It's Real Thai black magic.
Official Donation Receipt Will Be Shipped To You!
Note: Please kindly bear with us if you have yet to receive a reply from us..
We assure you that your orders will be processed and you will be contacted.

A Thai White Magic Child Angel
Click here to read about Look Thep Dolls

Updated: 2017
Completed 1000+ Rituals Since 2009 Both Online and At The Shrine
For All Devotees Worldwide.
Singapore, China, Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, India, UK, US, Italy.

↯Information & Warnings.↯
Please note that what we are summoning here is different from what you have seen or heard from other spells casters. Spirits of aborted child are summoned here, and are extremely powerful to help you with any desire you want.
Please do not engage this service out of curiosity. It will be disrepectful.
All rituals are done by our Master (AH JARN PATANA) of Chiangmai through powerful Thai Cambodian black/white magic.
Fulfil Your Innermost Desires With Powerful Spells Rituals!
Most black magic spells you have came across online are 99% fake and scams. We don't profit, and we don't keep asking for more money from you. We want you to be successful and help you get what you want and in return you make merits for people who needed help. There is a reason why you are here on this site. It is your life mission and believed to be a chosen one to help more people.

Read How Ahjarn Patana Run The Rituals And Why You Are Making Good Merits When You Order A Ritual or Adopt A Spiritual Doll.> Learn Why

⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧

Please be warned that they are extremely powerful!
Master Patana will command and summon them to influence the love you want,
get the windfall of wealth, fame and power you deserve.
Works Extremely Fast! But Remember To Deliver Your Promises!

⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧
↑Spirits Dolls Filled With Corpse's Oil, Soil From Cemetery↑
↑The Gold Necklaces and Chains Are Promises Delivered By Devotees.↑
Spiritual dolls are often known as Kumantong and Luk Krog in Thailand.
Get the Most Powerful From Our Master Ahjarn Patana!
~~~~~ The Phenomena~~~~~
WARNINGS: What You Will Experience.
All of our clients have experience the followings upon successful performance
of a ritual. Please do NOT pay for our ritual if you are not comfortable with it.
You will experience our conjured spirits around you or following you, some have
reported to us that they felt the spirits sitting on their shoulders and giving them
the directions to their desires and helping them get out of dangers, avoid
potential financial losses, attract opposite sex, attract money. It may feel eerie,
but these spirits are summoned to help you and will never harm you
if you keep *your promises* you have for them.

⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ HOW TO BUY A RITUAL? ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇

Please send us your details first. Your name along with photo, date of birth, time of birth(if you have.) and country of birth.
Upon receiving your info and requests, we will send you a donation link.
A ritual will be $197 USD process by credit card.- This amount will be 100% fully donated in your name as part of ritual, and towards merits making. An official donation receipt will also be sent to you.

Western union or bank transfer can be arranged: Please contact for info.
Ritual donation by western union or bank transfer will be $180 USD
or 6200 thai baht
rate is lower as we do not have to bear the cost of exchange rate, and extra fees made by credit card payment.
Please note that all payments are non-refundable. We are non-profit!!
(Click here to learn why you need to pay and where all the money go to?)

After Payment, we will inform you of the ritual date
If the ritual involves another person. Eg. Love attraction, please enter the person's name, birthdate. If you do not have the person's name, please submit a recent photo of the person to us.
Prepare a small yellow or red candle. Write your name and birthdate on a small piece of paper. (You will need to light the candle when master is doing the ritual on the first day. We will tell you the exact time and date when the ritual starts.) Click here to see how you should place the candles.
Type your wishes in details, what you want to achieve. Fame, Love or anything you desire. Please be detail and specific. All information are 100% confidential with us. We guarantee.
Make a promise to the spirits helping you. Write what will you offer to them after your wishes are granted.
Master will perform a ritual for your order within 1-2 days.
A ritual will take 5-9 days to complete.
You will be notified of the ritual once completed. Master may further advise on what you have to do to further activate the advanced luck.
Click here to learn more
about adopting a spirit doll.

Click Here To Get Your Customized
Lesbian & Gay Relationship Amulets

Master's Ritual
A follower saw the statue moves during master's chanting and video this.
Watch the spirit drinking and moving during a ritual

Buy A Ritual or Adopt A Baby Spirit?
What is the difference?

The $197 one-time ritual:
This is a one-time conjuration of the spirits, and the spirits will only help you with one-time wish. Will leave you once your most desired wish is accomplished.

♡ Recommended ♡
Adopting a spirit doll:

You will become the owner, parent of the spirit doll. YOU can ask for wishes all the time and they will also protect you from many bad encounters, follow you whereever you go as a guaradian angel, protect your home and family members.
They will constantly give you the power and you will look especially attractive to people around you.

Letters & Testimonials
Please help me thank master for his hardwork to cast this spell for me, given his age he is still striving to help people around, I really give my full respect to him. His spells really work and I am now a true believer. I believe that it is from his ritual that helped me win the lottery. Not big amount of money but adequate to help me clear my debt. I am ready to deliver my promise and as an appreciation I am going to donate an addition $500 to the shrine to help build temples and make more coffins.
~ Lillian ~ Malaysia
'It was a little eerie at first, I felt the spirit on my tummy when I was lying down on my bed, but I knew it was 'him'.
~ Belle ~ United States
'This is so real, I managed to sell 5 properties in 2 weeks which was much above my average sales since I became a real estate agent. I have delivered the promises to these cute little babies. Please run the ritual for me and offer them the necklaces I have chosen. Thank you!'
~ Patricia ~ Singapore

Get Back Your Lover
Increase Charm
Love Binding Spells
Increase Charisma
Increase Sales
Property agents, cars sales,
insurance agents, outdoor sales
Attract Opposite Sex
Extremely Powerful Love Attraction
The most powerful love spells
Get Windfall of Money
Win Betting/Casino/Lottery
Get Promoted In Job
Out of Danger/Protection
Gain Respect From People
Look Fearful To Others

Please Adopt A Spirit Doll
The Black Magic Spells

For all dark magic spells, please adopt a spirit doll. Master will give you the chant to summon and communicate when you adopt for all the black magic you want to cast on people. You can use it to do good or bad. Master recommend not to command them to hurt people although they are capable of.

Revenge Spells Evil Spells
Cause Quarrels
Cause Breakups
Cause Financial Loss
Loss of Job
Loss of Authority

We Ship Worldwide!

Cast A Lust Spell

Lust Orgasim Spells - Gay Love Spells - Lesbian love spells
Authentic Black Magic Spells and Rituals From Thailand
Magic Spells | Khun Paen Amulet
  1. Tamil Black Magic Books Online
  2. Tamil Black Magic Books Pdf

The essence of Voodoo magick is essentially an understanding that everything in the Universe is undeniably linked spiritually. A Voodoo black magic practitioner is referred to as a “bokor,” a boker has heightened spiritual powers and is a learned student of toxicology. A bokor has the ability to use poisons to harm others, if inclined.


Indian magic has ruled the world of magic and spiritual practices which is no surprise because Indian magic is strong, easy and effective. Indian magic has a great history which can be read in the books.

Here, first I want to explain the difference between magic spells and Indian magic spells.
Many people ask me to differentiate between the two so here we go.

  1. Black magic is big bucks for Kerala village Mudras in Manhattan: Indian classical dance has grabbed centre stage in New York Decoding credit cards for millennials.
  2. The Sundara Kanda, the fifth book in the Ramayana, focuses on Hanuman. Hanuman meets Rama in the last year of the latter's 14-year exile, after the demon king Ravana had kidnapped Sita. With his brother Lakshmana, Rama is searching for his wife Sita. This, and related Rama legends are the most extensive stories about Hanuman.
  3. How black magic and fortunetelling became widespread? With Satan having new powers, the devils were now free to do whatever they wished. It was at this time that they wrote books of black magic and buried them underneath the throne of Prophet Sulaiman (alaihis salam).

Magic spells involve chants, prayers and specific required materials for casting.

Indian magic spells are so strong that they are only based on chants also called as shloks extracted from scriptures.

On this page I am writing some of the best Indian magic spells that are easy and effective.

Email me if you have queries and need help in understanding these spells.

Free Love Spell
Use this spell to reunite with partner and end quarrels with partner forever. The spell is a guaranteed spell and works always. Use this love spell and bid a final goodbye to unending quarrels and reunite with partner forever happily.

In the evening chant this spell ninety-nine times.

Use the spell for one week and then see the magic.

Stop A Divorce Spell
Divorce is a hard phase of life and even more to get over with. If a person has suddenly decided to save his marriage then this is the best spell to use.

Keeping and maintaining a positive frame of mind one must chant this stop a divorce spell thousand times.


Use the spell for fifteen days to stop a divorce.

Lust Love Spell
The spell is highly rated and the results people experience after using this spell are mind blowing. Use this spell if your partner is not showing interest or has lost interest in you.
This spell will work its magic on your partner to such a limit whereby he/she will crave and want to be with you always. It's a very strong love spell and works to the limit.

In the evening chant the spell for hundred times


Use the spell everyday till results are noted.

Love Spell For Attraction
Many people find themselves less attractive or not as attractive as one should be. This causes inferiority complex which hurts ones confidence to the limit.

This attraction love spell will make the user attractive physically and more importantly increase the physical appeal which will be noticed by others around and attract people.

In the morning chant this spell fifty times before breakfast.


Cast this spell every day.

Free Money Spell
This spell is for those who want unlimited money in no time. A mega money spell coming your way free.

Chant this spell in the evening around seven o'clock for two hundred and sixteen times.

Use the spell everyday and see your life change. Do not forget to send me a testimonial.

Million Dollar Simple Money Spell
I have given a very interesting name to this money spell which does justice to it.

At the start of every month chant this spell for four days and see what it does.
Chant the spell in the evenings for three hundred and sixteen times.


People who use this money spell swear by it.

Easy Money Spell
The most easiest money spell one will ever find on this planet.

Cast the spell anytime you feel like for as many times and as many days one desires.


Its and easy spell to use that translates into unreal amounts of money.

Instant Money Spell
If ever a situation comes when money is required instantly then this is the right spell to cast.

Keep chanting the spell continuously for 3-5 minutes till help comes in the form of money directly and indirectly.


Money will come in one way or the other within minutes.

Simple Protection Spell
A simple protection spell that's way ahead of all free protection spells. It's a personal recommendation from the guru to use this spell.

At morning chant the spell hundred times forever.

Tamil Black Magic Books


The spell protects the caster and the caster will live a long life.

Black Magic Protection Spell
Black magic spells and black magic are the last things one will ever want to get influenced with. The thought itself is terrifying and sends shivers to the spine therefore this spell you are about to read is a very strong spell to protect and destroy all black magic.

For one week chant the spell in the evening one thousand times.


The caster on the seventh day will feel the mind and body becoming lighter. This will indicate the black magic is destroyed and removed completely which will be a start of a new beginning and a normal life.

Evil Removal Spell
It's a free spell and one of the best spells one can find. Evil, jealousy, hex and voodoo are all covered by this free evil removal spell. It's an amazing magic spell.

Use the spell and stay clean and clear of them all for a lifetime.

Cast the spell in the morning or evening which is fine.

Chant the spell hundred times for seven days.


Guaranteed spell to remove and repel evil, jealousy, evil eyes, hex and voodoo.

Free Curse Removal Spell
Curse is dangerous and casting curses is an art used by wicked, evil and jealous people. Curses are aimed directly to bring downfall and failures to a person. Curses can and do ruin people forever. A cursed person will sink each day unknowingly till he is completely destroyed.

Cast the spell if you are cursed and break all curses immediately.

Chant the spell ninety nine times for nine nights.


Ninth night of casting will mark the removal and destruction of curses/curse.

Pregnancy Spell
Females who cannot get pregnant often face mental issues as depression and phobia. Infertility is a medical condition and there is no real cure to it scientifically.

If a female has tried all the medications to no avail then try this spell and get back to me. Females thank me immensely after casting this spell.

For one month cast the spell at night three hundred times.


The good news of pregnancy will come within one month.

Don't skip a single day.

This free pregnancy spell works miracles.

Easy Pregnancy Spell
Females wanting to get pregnant but cannot become due to personal reasons will use this spell for pregnancy.

Case the spell hundred times every day for seventeen days.


It's a guaranteed spell and works always.

Pregnancy Spell That Works Fast
It's a fast acting spell and once used never ever fails.

For eleven nights cast the spell three hundred and thirty times.


The news of pregnancy will just be around the corner.

Fertility Pregnancy Spell
This free pregnancy spell is one that works against all odds always.
If you have given up and all efforts to get pregnant have failed then wait till you cast this free pregnancy spell.

Cast the spell hundred times for twenty nights.



It's a strong guaranteed spell and always delivers.

Cure Male Impotence Spell
Globally men suffer from impotence most probably caused due to medical conditions or hormonal imbalances. Science has no answer and no permanent cure to treat male impotence.

Men who have tried all medications in the world without results must cast this spell and let me know.

Chant the spell for seventeen days hundred times.


The cure male impotence spell naturally is the only effective solution and permanent cure to treat male impotence guaranteed.

The spell will cure impotence, infertility and enhance performance.

Spell For Good Luck
Good luck is a must for all hardworking people and even more for those who are not so hardworking.

Each day cast the spell one hundred times and observe the difference in luck.


People who have used this spell have witnessed unexpected good luck, good fortune and success.

Business Success Spell
Not much needs to be done to cast this spell. It's a guaranteed free success spell.

Cast the spell every morning as soon as you enter office premises one hundred times.


Observe how your luck turns making you a total success with business and work.

Free Success Spell - White Magic
White magic is safe, holy and effective.
The spell is used by those who suffer from total failure and have no hope or scope for success. It's a very strong spell and works always.

At night before sleeping chant the spell ninety nine times forever.


Don't get astonished to see and feel success allover coming from one way or the other.

Magic Success Spell
It's a wondrous magic success spell. I recommend this spell to everyone and should be cast every day.

Chant the spell three hundred times in the morning.


This spell always works and will bring success at the feet of the caster.

Revenge Spell
This is the be-all and end-all spell to get revenge. Misery, failures, downfalls and regrets will fill and overburden a person's life on whom this spell is used.

Chant the spell hundred times daily for one week at night.

'TABHA TODHA DUSRAKO _____________'

Add the name of the person to the spell on whom you are casting this free revenge spell.

From the seventh night results can be seen. It's an extremely strong spell.

Hex Spell - Bad Luck Spell
Putting bad luck and casting hex is not easy but wait till you cast this free spell. It's the easiest and the most effective spell.

Tamil Black Magic Books Online

Chant the spell three hundred and three times for a single day at night.


The blank field needs to be filled with the name on whom this spell is going to be used.

Use the spell to put bad luck and cast hex on a person.

Curse Spell
Curse is a strong invisible weapon to destroy an enemy. Here is a spell that is a guaranteed curse spell.

Cast the spell nine times for nine nights.

'TAGAJ JOJAK ___________ KORUJ'

Right the name of enemy in the blank field.

Your enemy will be cursed from the moment you complete the spell on the ninth day.

Cleansing Spell - Spiritual Cleansing
Here is a spell that will clear the aura and cleanse one's body and soul. It's a guaranteed body spell that works always. The cleansing spell will create a positive aura around the caster and instill positive thoughts, beliefs and attitude.

Use the spell daily and chant it for hundred times. Cast the spell in the morning and is recommended.


Take advantage of this free body spell from now.

Free Beauty Spell
Beauty is a hot topic of discussion on every forum. This is a dual spell for men and women.

Tamil Black Magic Books Pdf

Cast the spell each morning hundred times for beauty like never before.


The spell develops stunning beauty in the caster of this free beauty spell.

Soul Cleansing Spell - Aura Cleansing
People cast this spell to clear their errors, mistakes, wrongdoings and sins that haunt them.

Use the spell for one month to clear all sins.


Cast the spell only with a clear intention of forgiveness, regret and repentance to make this spell work successfully. As soon as the 30 days of using this spell are over the caster will feel all fear and guilt of sins committed in the past going away indicating that the purification process has successfully completed.

Email me for free magic spells and I will be glad to assist.



You may mail me if you want me to custom-cast magic spells on your behalf.
My email address is spiritedguru@spiritedguru.com