The doctoral dissertations of the former Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) and Aalto University Schools of Technology (CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI) published in electronic format are available in the electronic publications archive of Aalto University - Aaltodoc.
  1. Anisotropic Crystalline Etch Simulation Techniques
  2. Anisotropic Crystalline Etch Simulation Definition

An atomistic model for the simulation of anisotropic wet chemical etching of crystalline silicon is developed. Special attention is paid to the relation between the atomistic processes, the mesoscopic features of the surface morphology and the macroscopic anisotropy of the process, bridging the different length scales. Therefore, an isotropic etching mode was taken the lead to be considered in the calculation with the strength of etching rate anisotropy η=0, ε c h e m. =0.05 and M. =0.01, and accordingly the numerical simulation of morphological evolution during chemical etching process was demonstrated in Fig. As displayed in the numerical simulation.

Miguel A. Gosálvez

Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science in Technology to be presentedwith due permission of the Department of Engineering Physics andMathematics for public examination anddebate in Council Room H304 at Helsinki University of Technology (Espoo,Finland) on the 19th of September, 2003, at 12 o'clock noon.

Overview in PDF format (ISBN 951-22-6707-1) [9219 KB]
Dissertation is also available in print (ISBN 951-22-6706-3)


An atomistic model for the simulation of anisotropic wet chemical etchingof crystalline silicon is developed. Special attention is paid to the relationbetween the atomistic processes, the mesoscopic features of the surfacemorphology and the macroscopic anisotropy of the process, bridging thedifferent length scales.

The development of the atomistic model is made by direct comparison ofatomistic kinetic Monte Carlo and Cellular Automaton simulations withexperimental results, guided by first-principles calculations. The model explainsthe anisotropy of the etching process and the orientation-dependentsurface morphology as two different manifestations of the same atomisticmechanisms, namely, the weakening of backbonds following OH terminationof surface atoms and the existence of significant interaction betweenthe terminating species (H / OH). The versatility of the atomistic model isdemonstrated by the concentration and time dependence of the simulatedunder-etched structures and surface morphology.

Jumpstart wps descargar gratis. A substantial effort has been made to develop an efficient program in orderto simulate the etching process in arbitrarily oriented, large, micrometer-scalesystems in the presence (or absence) of masking patterns and consideringthe effects of temperature and etchant concentration. The program hasa great potential for use in the optimization of the processing parametersin industrial applications.

This thesis consists of an overview and of the following 6 publications:

  1. Gosálvez M. A., Nieminen R. M., Kilpinen P., Haimi E. andLindroos V., 2001. Anisotropic wet chemical etching of crystalline silicon:atomistic Monte-Carlo simulations and experiments. Applied Surface Science178, No. 1-4, pages 7-26.© 2001 Elsevier Science. By permission.
  2. Gosálvez M. A., Foster A. S. and Nieminen R. M., 2002. Multiscale modelingof anisotropic wet chemical etching of crystalline silicon. EurophysicsLetters 60, No. 3, pages 467-473.© 2002 EDP Sciences. By permission.
  3. Gosálvez M. A., Foster A. S. and Nieminen R. M., 2002. Atomistic simulationsof surface coverage effects in anisotropic wet chemical etchingof crystalline silicon. Applied Surface Science 202, No. 3-4, pages 160-182.© 2002 Elsevier Science. By permission.
  4. Gosálvez M. A., Foster A. S. and Nieminen R. M., 2003. Dependence ofthe anisotropy of wet chemical etching of silicon on the amount ofsurface coverage by OH radicals. Sensors and Materials 15, No. 2, pages 53-65.
  5. Gosálvez M. A. and Nieminen R. M., 2003. Surface morphology duringanisotropic wet chemical etching of crystalline silicon. New Journal of Physics5, pages 100.1-100.28.© 2003 Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd. By permission.
  6. Gosálvez M. A. and Nieminen R. M., 2003. Relation between macroscopicand microscopic activation energies in non-equilibrium surface processing.Physical Review E, in press.© 2003 by authors and © 2003 American Physical Society. By permission.

Keywords:anisotropic wet chemical etching, surface morphology, Monte Carlo,cellular automaton, mask, convex corner, crystalline silicon,activation energy, surface processing Download game naruto to boruto shinobi striker pc hienzo.


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© 2003 Helsinki University of Technology Iron man 2 video game download for pc.

Last update 2011-05-26
This paper reports corner compensation methods for fabricating the intact mesa structure in MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System). To investigate the undercutting problem in the mesa structure, over ten corner compensation patterns are designed by computing the relations among a series of parameters, e.g. etching rates in different crystal planes, etching depth, etching times, etc. The compensation patterns are then simulated by the simulation software Anisotropic Crystalline Etch Simulation (ACES) beta 2, the 3D etching simulations are gotten. Various new compensation structures preventing the undercutting of convex corners of (100) silicon in THAH solution are redesigned and optimized based on the simulation results, the fabrication are conducted to verify the feasibility of the corner compensation patterns.
Date Published: 6 December 2007
PDF: 6 pages

Anisotropic Crystalline Etch Simulation Techniques

Proc. SPIE 6723, 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment, 672364 (6 December 2007);
Show Author Affiliations
Xing Chen, Chonnam National Univ. (South Korea)
Dong Weon Lee, Chonnam National Univ. (South Korea)
Jong Sung Park, Chonnam National Univ. (South Korea)

Published in SPIE Proceedings Vol. 6723:
3rd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment
Junhua Pan; ; , Editor(s)

Anisotropic Crystalline Etch Simulation Definition

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